4 Essential Skincare Products to Fight Signs of Aging

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Every woman, including the ever-beautiful J.Lo and Jennifer Anniston, wants to look young forever. But unfortunately this is not possible. The passing time keeps showing its signs on our skin. But there is still the good news. Technology is advancing every day and it’s continuously trying to find solutions to signs of aging too.

A prominent example of this is Biologique Recherche Singapore that has invented the best products for skin care routine with which you can stop the signs of aging and look as young as possible. Here are a few.

1. Cleanser

Regular cleansing of skin is very important so as to remove any makeup and skincare products you’ve applied throughout the day and also the natural skin oils, bacteria and pollutants which can build up on the skin and cause skin damage. Cleansing is also important to let the skincare products enter smoothly in your skin and work effectively.

But the cleanser should be gentle so as to preserve your skin barrier and make it resistant to damage and dehydration.

The Biologique Recherche (BR) Cleanser will remove your all traces of makeup and pollution. Its active ingredients will make your skin ready for the beauty treatment by leaving it clean and soft.

2. Exfoliant

With age, your skin slows down in replenishing itself i.e. dead cells aren’t replaced by new cells soon. Thus your skin starts looking uneven and dull, and may even crack. Here exfoliants come to your rescue and remove dead cells from your skin.

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You can choose between physical and chemical exfoliants. Harsh physical exfoliants such as sugar scrubs or beads cleansers should better be avoided because they can make your skin sag soon. Instead you can use a soft sponge or washcloth with active charcoal that can remove dead cells gently.

Chemical exfoliants work by slowly dissolving the bonds of dead cells with the skin and help them detach. The best exfoliants for aging skin are alpha-hydroxy acids (AHAs) such as lactic acid and glycolic acid.

3. Anti-aging Serums

Serums contain an overall higher proportion of active ingredients than moisturizers. Vitamin A derivatives such as retinoids and vitamin C are the best anti-aging ingredients to look for. They not only increase collagen in your skin but also act as antioxidants to fight environmental and biological oxidative stress that cause signs of aging. BR offers a range of serums including Moisturizing Serum, Sebum-Regulating Serum, Energizing Serum, Anti-Wrinkle Serum, Firming Serum and so on.

4. Moisturizers

Aging also reduces the natural sebum in your skin. This leads to quick drying out of skin. This is one of the biggest reasons of fine lines. Fortunately you can overcome this with a great moisturizer. Again BR offers a range of moisturizers including Crème Hydravit’S, Crème Amnios, Gel ADN Silkgen and so on.

And there are so many more products to make your skin look young and beautiful.

So, have you started looking for these skincare products and fight signs of aging?

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