Do Thinning Shears Ruin Your Hair?
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In the opinion of most people, getting a haircut is a solution to get rid of damaged hair, and this solution is true to a large extent. However, there is a lot of apprehension about thinning shears, a tool used to cut thicker hair textures, and razors, that they can ruin hair. Is this true? Well, there are two views on this. Let’s get more into it.
What are Thinning Shears?
Thinning shears are haircut scissors but are different in that they have only one blade instead of two blades and the other side with notched guides that enable only a certain amount of hair to be cut.

Does it Damage Hair?
As mentioned earlier, there are two views on this. We’ll first see the first one. The answer is ‘yes’! Thinning shears can damage hair but only when used wrongly. Fortunately you can tell if your stylist is using it the right way or not.
The Right Way to Use Thinning Shears and Razor
Thinning shears should be used on dry hair and for personalizing the haircut after styling. If your stylist is using a straight razor, he knows the right way to use it. But if he takes the feather razor with black handle, he’s probably going to do it wrongly.

Other View
Now, let’s take a look at the other view. It says that thinning scissors don’t damage your hair any more or less than the standard cutting scissors do. According to this view, it’s a misconception that thinning shears ruin your hair. This misconception may be connected to the fact that some stylists and their assistants don’t know how to use thinning shears correctly because of lack of knowledge or experience.
While using the thinning shears, you should understand how the hair falls and what its natural structure is. At a scissors hair salon the stylist should thin the hair out in the same direction as that of the hair-fall, while keeping in mind if the hair has a kink or curls. If they use the thinning scissors without giving attention to these factors, you might end up with frizzy-looking or broken hair after they finish your thinning out phase.
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Actually the hair isn’t more ruined than before using the thinning shears. The structure of hair has just been cut at an angle and direction that makes it look broken and scraggly, because the thinning shears produce several slightly different lengths of hair.
If the tips of all these hair strands stand in their own direction, it will look unhealthy and bad. So, if your stylist has always used her thinning shears on your hair and your hair looked fine in the end, they probably know the correct way of using thinning shears and it won’t ruin your hair. You need not worry.

What can be the Damaging Factors?
The factors that have the potential to ruin your hair at the salon are scissors that have become blunt in the long run and the hairdresser has postponing the task of purchasing new shears. Blunt blades actually “chop” through the hair, whereas sharp blades neatly “snip” through the hair strands with speed and accuracy.
Blunt blades break through hair strands which will eventually cause split ends and broken hair. This happens with thinning shears, cutting scissors and particularly razor blades which are generally used for thinning out and texturing hair.
Is the Damage Permanent?
Whenever the thinning shears cause damage to one’s hair, it can only be a temporary damage if the person is careful. By taking necessary vitamins and minerals, keeping hydrated and using high-quality hair products, the damage can be repaired.
Gaining knowledge and being careful can save you from the hair damage caused by thinning shears and you won’t have to worry.