Bride-to-Be Beauty Tips

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bride to be beauty tipsIf you are a bride-to-be, you are surely lost with all the things you have to do to make your wedding day perfect. Hiring vendors, choosing outfits, sending invites, planning a honeymoon certainly requires a lot of patience, energy and time. Yes, it would be worth it, but it’s daunting, we know it. However, on your big day you have to shine just like the diamond, to look incredible and to take your groom’s breath away. Your wedding day beauty preparing mustn’t begin on your day off while you are at your stylist’s. Start as soon as possible to ensure you look perfect. Now, we’ll focus on face, eyes and lips and give you useful tips on how to maintain your beauty and to get ready for the big day.

We all have some facial skin problems. Is your skin dry or oily? Are you looking for the way to fight acne? At least six months before your wedding, you should visit your dermatologist or beautician. You will get skin care products, such as topical creams, facial peels, oral pills and a series of facials that improve circulation, hydrate your skin, clear blackheads etc. However, don’t forget the real and affordable secret to great skin: water. Drink a lot of water to all the time to make your face look radiant and dewy.

All those late nights planning your lovely event will affect your look – especially when it comes to your eyes. Puffiness and dark circles are not cute at all, but it seems they are impossible to avoid. Skin around eyes is especially sensitive, so be gentle when taking off makeup. You have to sleep adequately and to use an eye cream for nightly application. Cool compress helps keeping puffiness at bay, so apply it once or twice on a weekly basis. Couple of days before your wedding, avoid too much salty food, since it may cause your eyes to look swollen, which is something you certainly wouldn’t like.

Don’t forget to take care of your lips. Use a vitamin E stick to combat creases and cracks caused by stress and weather. Once a week, exfoliate lips in order to get rid of dead skin. Also, protect your lips with sunscreen, especially in summer months.

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