About Vegan-Friendly Clothing
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Being a vegan is not only what you eat, it is how you feel, what you think and what you wear. Vegan fashion business is growing and in the past few years, it has gain more popularity. Still, it seems like all those clothes and apparel are not created for vegans over 25 of age. Vegan clothes and accessories are those made products made without any animal parts or animal products. If you wear vegan clothes, you are sure that not a single animal was harmed or slaughtered to make a product. There are specialty stores that exclusively sell vegan fashion lines, but you can find some vegan items in other retail stores, too. For example, Miskata.com is an online place where you can purchase lovely fashion clothes and accessories for non-vegans, but there are also some very stylish and trendy vegan products.
Vegan clothing is not about brands, but about fabrics. Vegan friendly fabrics are linen, cotton, rayon, micro fibers, because they don’t come from animals. During the warm months, most clothes are in fact made of these fabrics. But, once the winter comes, the things change. Most of the warm clothes are made of wool, leather, down, suede and fur. Man made microfibers can be the great substitute for these fabrics making a coat or a sweater feel as comfortable and warming as the non-vegan counterpart. Silk is also not on the list of vegan fabrics, keep that in mind.
Leather is, obviously, non-vegan fabrics and therefore shoes and boots made of it are not the ones you would like to purchase. Synthetic leather, waxed cotton, man-made leather or imitation leather are both vegan and lower in price. So, if anyone thinks that being a vegan means more money wasted on clothes, they are absolutely wrong.